There are also the three different directions. The FBI Starts directly on the other side, On the upper north in the big white building. If you are new to this game, Try picking one of the sides will also suit you well.
I would not recommend going through the middle if you are an inexperienced player, or if you do not have a close-quarter loadout. To the right, to the big circle, To the left and to the swimming pool or right through the middle with the little square in the middle. After spawning here you can go three main directions. The Mercs start off at the bottom south of the map next to the basketball court and up the white stairs. This really depends on your playstyle.The two teams who play on Raid are the FBI and the Mercs.
Raid is a medium sized map with (as already said above) Long elevated structures and Close-Quarters, Making it very hard to choose a weapon which can fit your needs.